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[初至中級]啟動Windows 7系統管理員帳號的三個方法









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發表於 2015-7-22 11:15:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 kinsir 於 2015-7-22 11:18 編輯

In this instructable i will show you guys how one can enable Administrator Account in Windows 7

The administrator account is a hidden, disabled and built-in account with Windows 7/Vista/xp. But a user can enable this account for some special actions. Such as troubleshooting, installing harmful software or some special networking tasks. By default, most of the user accounts are a part/member of the Administrator account. Others are standard accounts without being any part of an administrator account.

Windows disabled this account to prevent malicious programs and harmful activities on the system. So any special task of system needs administrative privilege and the annoying UAC (User Account Control) bar will pop up for the users, except the administrator account.

This instructable will show you how to enable Administrator account in three easy ways. Choose only one method from below to activate administrator account.

Step 1: Method #1. Using command prompt:

Search cmd.exe in start menu and run cmd.exe as administrator.

To enable Administrator account Type: net user administrator /active:yes

Hit enter and the command should execute successfully.Command line to disable this account: net user administrator /active:no

Step 2: Method # 2. From Local Users and Groups

Go to control panel navigate to Administrative tools and computer management.

Expand the Local users and Groups arrow and select Users. Then, From the right pane, double-click on the Administrator.

Un-check the "Account is disable" and it should be look like below.

OK it and your settings will be saved.

From here you can also disable the Administrator or other account.

Step 3: Method #3. From Local Security Policy

Type secpol.msc in start menu and run it as administrator.

From this Local Security Policies, expand the security options under the Local Policies.
Find "Account: Administrator account status" from the right pane.

Open the "Account: Administrator account status" and choose Enabled to enable it.

You can also disable it from here.
After completing any of above processes, reboot your PC or log off. Now you will see a new account "Administrator" which has no password by default. Log in to this account and enjoy the real administrator power of your PC.

來源: http://www.instructables.com/id/ ... ccount-in-Windows-/

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